  • Call us: +254 720 549384
  • JohnM@twaimarika.org
  • Nairobi, Kajiado, Narok, Makueni & Muranga

Twaimarika works with the unemployed and financially marginalized in Kenya.

Our Model: Wealth Creation Ladder

An Inside Look at our Model

An Inside Look at our Model

Beneficiary identification:

Participants in our programs are individuals who live on less than $1.90 a day, have no prior business experience, and are unable to provide for their family’s basic needs in a sustainable way.

Training program:

We have a carefully designed program to ensure beneficiaries are skilled in all ways. The training provides wellbeing, self-awareness, and self-confidence building skills to ensure attendees are empowered with a winning mindset. The curriculum includes technical skilling to ensure attendees have relevant skills to be productive ready for employment or entrepreneurship.

Create community saving groups:

Beneficiaries are encouraged to save as individuals and in groups with a long-term cash target of 6 months’ worth of expenditure. is critical to ensuring that participants don’t fall back into poverty. The groups provide members with ongoing protection against financial shocks and access to growth capital, thus serving as a mutual safety net and support system.

Dependency period: [Skilling while meeting beneficiary needs]

At this stage, beneficiaries begin to be productive. They are engaged in meaningful trade. However, they are also experiencing a steep learning curve that does not allow them to earn in a meaningful way. Their needs must be met through subsidy to help them focus on their refining their skills and increase their level of production. .

Financial Interdependency: [Beneficiary skills substantially meets their needs]

At this point, their skills have significantly improved and are productive in a very meaningful way. They rely less and less on subsidy to meet their daily needs.

Financial Independence: [Beneficiary skills fully meets their needs]

They are no longer program beneficiaries. They have sustainable livelihood through acquired skills or have acquired sufficient assets to cushion them from future financial shocks.

Graduation out of the program

They exit the program to make room for new beneficiaries. They have the capacity to mentor new beneficiaries and adopt them in their trade.

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